sorry guys for the lack of updates.
1.wooooow i've got my report card today and the results are pretty safe although I'm still shocked with my sociology score which is really disappointing. how on earth i could only get 75? yeah whatever. i can't believe I'm in my senior year of high school ssshit i feel like i was a 10th grader yesterday.
2.went to dey and asti's birthday dinner yesterday along with the other girls. it was fuuuun. we laughed at each other joke although dey's prince charming didn't show up that night. and then suddenly the restaurant manager gave dey and asti a surprise cake for free (was it?)! woooow, it wasn't on purpose! never resist free food, guys.
3.i spent 260 rupiahs to buy 2 clothes from t**s**p and now i kind of regret it because it looks like the ones i can get at ITC. that means i should spend my money wisely but the temptation to buy fancy stuffs are everywhere. (sigh...)
this is me wearing the t-shirt
4.after my father read my report card, i'm waiting for his new speech about my seems-dark future. i gotta prepare myself for this one and i promise i won't cry. *finger crossed*
5. i'm currently listening to PASSION PIT,LYKKE LI, and THE KILLS. for those who also listen to MGMT,Empire of the sun,Justice, try passion pit because it's a bit electronica. and lykke li is my current obsession. oh geeez she's got the style and the sexiest voice. and next, the kills. well this band drives me insane after i watched some of their video clips. can't breathe without this song
passion pit
lykke li
doesn't she somewhat looks like manohara?
Jun 27, 2009
Jun 10, 2009
what i've been thinking lately
"i'm here to get the certificate,not to make friends"
itu adalah kalimat yg membuat gw lebih memilih masuk ILP daripada cabut atau hang out ama teman- teman setanku. gw lagi di level AES yg kayaknya (kalo naik) gw ga bakal nerusin ke level selanjutnya which is FCE. karena otak gw pasti akan dipenuhi oleh kegiatan bimbel. ada satu orang temen gw yg bilang ke gw, "you're such an english freak". waaah makasih, itu termasuk pujian buat gw. yah namanya juga manusia ga pernah puas nah itu yg terjadi ama gw sekarang, gatau ini gara2 otak gw yg 3/4 tumpul atau gimana. mungkin sampai tua gw akan mengasah bhs inggris gw. d-oh!
ini entah gw yang ga pinter- pinter apa gw yang emang dasarnya bego, yang namanya remedial ga pernah berkurang. oke, akuntansi gw emang ga remed (ALHAMDULILLAH) tapi yg gw khawatirkan sekarang adalah DAYA INGAT PAK RAZIK a.k.a GURU AKUNTANSI. meeeen ini baru pertama kalinya gw khawatir ama pikun enggaknya seorang guru. gw takut dia tiba-tiba tidak menyelamatkan nilai akun gw yg pas2an.
karena hasrat untuk memiliki kamera lomo lebih besar drpd ngumpulin duitnya. gw mempunyai ide untuk membeli kamera lomo yg paling murah yaitu LOMOLITOS. emg ini single use gitu, jadi sekali foto langsung buang TAPI ternyata setelah mencaritahu lebih dalam, lomolitos itu bisa dipake kembali. cuma perlu diganti roll film yg baru aja seandainya yg lama udah abis. WOOW! i am so gonna buy it, man! tapi ini masalah waktu, gw selalu minta anggi buat nemenin gw beli eh malah gw yg sering ngebatalin janji, wahaha, maaf ya nggi.
akhir- akhir ini lagi bosen banget ama facebook yang isinya giut- gitu doang. nah lalu gw memilih untuk berteman baik dgn youtube. dan youtube benar2 memberikan sesuatu yg baru, hayo lo mau apa? lo ga bisa nonton pussycat dolls gara2 lagi sumatif? nih tinggal klik ini lo bisa liat si nicole dkk berjoget dan ga perlu berdesak2an dgn orang- orang asing. ga usah bayar ampe 500rb lagi. WOW. trus gara- gara di youtube sering nonton trailer film- film baru gw pengen banget nonton film ini. yang pastinya ga bakal masuk indonesia.
honestly, i'm not a big fan of zooey deschanel. but this is worth the wait.
"i'm here to get the certificate,not to make friends"
itu adalah kalimat yg membuat gw lebih memilih masuk ILP daripada cabut atau hang out ama teman- teman setanku. gw lagi di level AES yg kayaknya (kalo naik) gw ga bakal nerusin ke level selanjutnya which is FCE. karena otak gw pasti akan dipenuhi oleh kegiatan bimbel. ada satu orang temen gw yg bilang ke gw, "you're such an english freak". waaah makasih, itu termasuk pujian buat gw. yah namanya juga manusia ga pernah puas nah itu yg terjadi ama gw sekarang, gatau ini gara2 otak gw yg 3/4 tumpul atau gimana. mungkin sampai tua gw akan mengasah bhs inggris gw. d-oh!
ini entah gw yang ga pinter- pinter apa gw yang emang dasarnya bego, yang namanya remedial ga pernah berkurang. oke, akuntansi gw emang ga remed (ALHAMDULILLAH) tapi yg gw khawatirkan sekarang adalah DAYA INGAT PAK RAZIK a.k.a GURU AKUNTANSI. meeeen ini baru pertama kalinya gw khawatir ama pikun enggaknya seorang guru. gw takut dia tiba-tiba tidak menyelamatkan nilai akun gw yg pas2an.
karena hasrat untuk memiliki kamera lomo lebih besar drpd ngumpulin duitnya. gw mempunyai ide untuk membeli kamera lomo yg paling murah yaitu LOMOLITOS. emg ini single use gitu, jadi sekali foto langsung buang TAPI ternyata setelah mencaritahu lebih dalam, lomolitos itu bisa dipake kembali. cuma perlu diganti roll film yg baru aja seandainya yg lama udah abis. WOOW! i am so gonna buy it, man! tapi ini masalah waktu, gw selalu minta anggi buat nemenin gw beli eh malah gw yg sering ngebatalin janji, wahaha, maaf ya nggi.
akhir- akhir ini lagi bosen banget ama facebook yang isinya giut- gitu doang. nah lalu gw memilih untuk berteman baik dgn youtube. dan youtube benar2 memberikan sesuatu yg baru, hayo lo mau apa? lo ga bisa nonton pussycat dolls gara2 lagi sumatif? nih tinggal klik ini lo bisa liat si nicole dkk berjoget dan ga perlu berdesak2an dgn orang- orang asing. ga usah bayar ampe 500rb lagi. WOW. trus gara- gara di youtube sering nonton trailer film- film baru gw pengen banget nonton film ini. yang pastinya ga bakal masuk indonesia.
honestly, i'm not a big fan of zooey deschanel. but this is worth the wait.
Jun 6, 2009
yo yo wazzup
apa kabar nih blog? udah lama nih ga nge-blog lagi. akhir2 ini tiap gw liat blog, kebanyakan pd nulis ttg berakhirnya kelas XI. justru gw kebalikannya, gw ga bakal rindu tuh ama anak2 kelas gw. ya secara 2 thn bakal bareng.
HI! nanti kita bertemu lagi loh.
tapi gw berharap bakal ada sesuatu yg baru, hmm mungkin anak baru? yah walapun agak gak mungkin sih. mana mau anak baru di 8 masuk jurusan IPS, salah makan kali. atau mungkin yg balik dari nacel dan afs?
yayaya hidup akhir2 ini agak berat. udah seneng2 beranggapan gw ga bakal remed mtk, eh mlh tb2 nama gw terpampang indah dan tebal di papan pengumuman nilai yg menyatakan kalo gw remed.
hancur hancur hancur haaatiku...
HI! nanti kita bertemu lagi loh.
tapi gw berharap bakal ada sesuatu yg baru, hmm mungkin anak baru? yah walapun agak gak mungkin sih. mana mau anak baru di 8 masuk jurusan IPS, salah makan kali. atau mungkin yg balik dari nacel dan afs?
yayaya hidup akhir2 ini agak berat. udah seneng2 beranggapan gw ga bakal remed mtk, eh mlh tb2 nama gw terpampang indah dan tebal di papan pengumuman nilai yg menyatakan kalo gw remed.
hancur hancur hancur haaatiku...
May 12, 2009
(sigh....) 50 FIRST REACTIONS
This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS... Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you hear these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it! Re-post it for all of your friends.
1. Beer: homer simpson
2. Food: pasta
3. Relationship: college
4. Crush: michael cera
5. Power Rangers: wtf?
6. Life: flat
7. The President: SBY
8. Yummy: hungry to death
9. Car: yellow vw
10. Movie: the royal tenenbaums
11. Halloween: kolor ijo
12. Sex: and the city
13. Religion: islam
14. Hate: musical drama
15. Fear: my math score
16. Marriage: according to a silly quiz on facebook, i got 45 YEARS OLD as the result
17. Blondes: i wish
18. Slippers: my white ando that only cost 20.000
19. Shoes: topshop
20. Asians: mangga dua
21. Pastime: death
22. One night stand: nick and norah's infinite playlist
23. My cell phone: experia (i wish)
24. Smoke: caused hepatitis
25. Fantasy: NIKON D90 AND CANON EOS 50D
27. High school Life: drama
28. Pyjamas: banana
29. Stars: lady gaga
30. Center: death
31. Alcohol: 21 yo, but i do want to try it now. we're still young, right?
32. The word LOVE: thank you for starring at me
33. Friends: IPS 2010
34. Money: i'm broke
35. Heartache: i'm too young
36. Time: late
37. Divorce: never
38. Dogs: my former dog's name was badut
39. Undies: bolong
40. Parents: nicer than ever
41. Babies: someday
42. Ex: lots (not)
43. Song: lovers in japan- coldplay
44. Color: dark blue
45. Weddings: hotel mulia
46. Pizza: pasta
47. Hangout: kuburan
48. Rest: kasur
49. Goal: sukses
50. Inspiration: A. Adiputra (if you read this, please be our yearbook photographer)
1. Beer: homer simpson
2. Food: pasta
3. Relationship: college
4. Crush: michael cera
5. Power Rangers: wtf?
6. Life: flat
7. The President: SBY
8. Yummy: hungry to death
9. Car: yellow vw
10. Movie: the royal tenenbaums
11. Halloween: kolor ijo
12. Sex: and the city
13. Religion: islam
14. Hate: musical drama
15. Fear: my math score
16. Marriage: according to a silly quiz on facebook, i got 45 YEARS OLD as the result
17. Blondes: i wish
18. Slippers: my white ando that only cost 20.000
19. Shoes: topshop
20. Asians: mangga dua
21. Pastime: death
22. One night stand: nick and norah's infinite playlist
23. My cell phone: experia (i wish)
24. Smoke: caused hepatitis
25. Fantasy: NIKON D90 AND CANON EOS 50D
27. High school Life: drama
28. Pyjamas: banana
29. Stars: lady gaga
30. Center: death
31. Alcohol: 21 yo, but i do want to try it now. we're still young, right?
32. The word LOVE: thank you for starring at me
33. Friends: IPS 2010
34. Money: i'm broke
35. Heartache: i'm too young
36. Time: late
37. Divorce: never
38. Dogs: my former dog's name was badut
39. Undies: bolong
40. Parents: nicer than ever
41. Babies: someday
42. Ex: lots (not)
43. Song: lovers in japan- coldplay
44. Color: dark blue
45. Weddings: hotel mulia
46. Pizza: pasta
47. Hangout: kuburan
48. Rest: kasur
49. Goal: sukses
50. Inspiration: A. Adiputra (if you read this, please be our yearbook photographer)
Apr 26, 2009
where've you been, jang
are you on holiday?
and you've spent hundred thousand rupiahs for useless things
and you need something new
something that you can not buy
but it will make you sit in front of your computer screen for hours
and yes i do need to fill my brain with pots of cool photographs
thank God i found this insane website.
and you've spent hundred thousand rupiahs for useless things
and you need something new
something that you can not buy
but it will make you sit in front of your computer screen for hours
and yes i do need to fill my brain with pots of cool photographs
thank God i found this insane website.
Apr 5, 2009
It was the worst job they ever imagined... and the best time of their lives.
1st, I officially adore Kristen Stewart
2nd, Jesse Eisenberg is gonna be the next Michael Cera
3rd, I am looking for a t-shirt that's similiar to those pictures
4th, The movie won't be released in Indonesia just like nick and norah's infinite playlist,i am so ready to buy the dvd at ITC KUNINGAN. yes yes!
5th, I thank Greg something for making this movie and i'm thinking about having a job at my own version of adventureland. yeah you know it, a place that starts with letter D ends with N. a-ha.
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