Feb 14, 2009

di kelas yang terpencil itu, setahun yg lalu.

juli 2007 adalah awal gw menjalani hari-hari gw di SMAN 8. gw baris di kelas X-G. sebagai seorang murid yang berasal dari SLTPN 109 (minoritas yang masuk SMAN 8). gw hanya bisa diem pada saat itu,pgn gila tapi takut dikira jayus trus ntar ga ada yg mau maen ama gw untuk selamanya. alhasil gw jaim, jaimnya pol. SMAN 8, selain namanya yang sgt menjual, bagi gw, sekolah ini adalah suatu kesuksesan dlm hidup gw,tapi satu kata yang ada dipikiran gw pada saat itu. BORJU. gw selalu masuk sekolah yang biasa2 aja. tapi yg satu ini lain, emang si terletak di bilangan jakarta selatan walaupun mepet2 timur dikit. yasudahlah, gw tetap berusah beradaptasi.

bulan2 pertama di SMAN 8 adalah neraka men. gw kaget, gila, ini pelajaran berat amat. mana yg temenan ama gw blm banyak. minder, ciut, putus asa dan baygon campur jadi satu. gw berpikir "yaudahlah jalanin aja".

trus hari silih berganti akhirnya kelas itu makin asik. gw berteman dgn macam2 orang dari berbagai suku dan smp yang berbeda tentunya. dan ternyata yang awalnya gw berpikr ga bakal bisa ketawa tiap hari malah salah men, gw jd ketawa bangeeeeeeet. asyik asyik nich orangnya. trus kita jadi sering jalan bareng dan melakukan aktivitas bareng, pokoknya seru. alhamdulillah, walaupun udah beda kelas dan jurusan, kita tetap ngumpul walaupun ga sering2 amat. tapi mereka selalu menyempatkan diri bikin surprise utk tiap orang yg berulang tahun. gw tau ga gampang mereka bikin surprise ini. tapi gw salut dgn kreatifitas mereka,sedangkan gw hanya sumbang doa aja. hehehe. gw sangat bersyukur pada Allah udah memberikan gw kesempatan untuk berteman sama mereka semua. hihihi.

love you sepuluh G, always have and always

Feb 8, 2009

no more teenvogue

yesterday i went to gramedia and bought

and after i read the magazine, GW KECEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, there's nothing important on it. DAMN DAMN DAMN! I should've bought nylon mag.
but they got michael cera on one of their features. well, but i still won't buy teenvogue for the 2nd times.

aduh lucuna......

Feb 5, 2009


1. yesterday,i watched this movie titled nick and norah's infinite playlist. and it was efing great. i suddenly fell in love again with michael cera. CERA! CERA! CERA!

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist is a comedy about two teens thrust together for one hilarious, sleepless night of adventure in a world of mix tapes, late-night living, and, live, loud music. Nick frequents New York’s indie rock scene nursing a broken heart and Norah is questioning all of her assumptions about the world. Though they have nothing in common except for their taste in music, their chance encounter leads to an all-night quest to find a legendary band’s secret show and ends up becoming the first date that could change both their lives.

2. anggi is gonna throw a b'day party on feb 14th. idk if i'm coming or not cos i have no idea what i'm gonna wear. i also gotta ask my dad's permission if he'll let me or not.
3. i finally found the perfect teacher for mat
4. i'm officially an ILP student (again)
5. i always have a nightmare every night. last night, i dreamt about roti tawar?
6. a boy did something impolite in front of my face which made me mad at him
7. i still dream about having a new lens for my DSLR camera (sigh....)
8. i keep saying "why yo pappa so s*it" because of idham hihi. it's funy dude,you should try it.

in ghost colours

model: annisa triwardhani
location: tipsy, kemang