Dec 26, 2008
Dec 22, 2008
keunggulan: keanu reeves dan jen conelly
pikiran pertama kali: "ah ini paling war of the worlds campur the day after tmrw campur E.T"
semua dimulai dengan adegan bang keanu ada di gunung salju di india, tiba2 dia menemukan sesuatu berbentuk bulat dan besar bercahaya putih terang. ya sangat terang...
sementara di manhattan ada profesor helen(jen cnly). disaat dia masak makan malam buat anaknya tiba2 ada agen FBI datang minta dia ikut dengannya. lalu berkumpullah para ahli di bidang masing2 termasuk jen untuk menyelamatkan bumi. kenapa? ada sesuatu yg mau menghantam bumi. oh oke, masih masuk akal. lalu mereka kalang kabut semua. mereka cuma punya waktu 78 menit. dan lihat apa yg para ahli lakukan? TIDAK ADA. mereka cuma berdoa dan menghitung kedatangan sang benda asing ke bumi. eeeeh ternyata ga ada apa2 tuch, cape deeeeeech.
lalu mendaratlah sang benda asing berbentuk bulat dan besar bercahaya putih terang tersebut dengan damai(tanpa ledakan besar). udah tuh makin kalang kabut orang2. dari bola tersebut muncullah raksasa berbentuk IRONMAN yes benar ironman yang satu ini ga ada warnanya a.k.a belom di cat. dia bisa mengendalikan semua bahan metal.
lalu si bola ini lalu mengeluarkan si keanu, lalu si jen dan keanu menjadi partner untuk menyelamatkan bumi.
intinya gw rasa film ini campuran dari beberapa film, seperti:
MATRIX: disini keanu kemana2 pake jas yg memberikan kesan dia kayak agen smith.
PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS: ada jaden smith (anaknya will smith) disini, yg karakternya mendambakan seorang figur bapak. klop deh tuch.
IRON MAN: ya krn ada si ironman look-a-like minus warna kuning merah
JALANGKUNG: gw teringat dengan tagline film jalangkung. datang tak dijemput pulang tak diantar. nah ini yg bikin ga masuk akal. masa si bola+keanu datang sendiri terus nakutin orang2 "hey hey gw datang buat memusnahkan manusia" lalu mereka pergi dgn sendirinya. DENGAN SENDIRINYA. YA ALLAH FILM APA INI??????
saran: tetaplah menggilai edward cullen dan bella swan ya nak. tonton filmnya sampai 5 kali, kalo mulai bosen baca novelnya. kalo emang penasaran dengan film ini, tunggu aja di HBO. itupun kalo kalian punya tv kabel bukan kabel. doang.
rally photo
Dec 16, 2008
i miss taking photos A LOT
and i've became less creative since 11th grade
i used to update my deviant art gallery
but now, i always browse fashion sites such as nylon, teen vogue,etc
which is very nowadays. i have to change it,dude!
and facebook too. i hate it but i'm addicted to it.
oh GOD!
and i want a fish eye lens
and london
and a black blazer too
erika's mind: "hey erika, what about your report?"
me: "oh, sugar...."
and i've became less creative since 11th grade
i used to update my deviant art gallery
but now, i always browse fashion sites such as nylon, teen vogue,etc
which is very nowadays. i have to change it,dude!
and facebook too. i hate it but i'm addicted to it.
oh GOD!
and i want a fish eye lens
and london
and a black blazer too
erika's mind: "hey erika, what about your report?"
me: "oh, sugar...."
Dec 13, 2008
my heart is dreaming about .........
one day i woke up earlier then i turned on my tv then watched inbox. it was playing a new video clip from yovie and nuno. the song titled bunga jiwaku. they shot the video clip in melbourne. in this video the band just standing in front of the federation square. and i was like, oh my god i've been there. so the building has modern design. that was the coolest building i had ever seen. and the great thing is my sister is moving to melb. oh my god sounds very very great. she used to live in canberra which is very bo-o-ring. and what i like about melbourne is it has cool gigs. when i was there, i found out that bloc party, rihanna and chris brown, kanye west are coming to melb. WHOOH. so i just kept staring at the poster because that was the only thing i could do. (sigh)
the federation square
feel free to watch the video clip on you tube. :)
one day i woke up earlier then i turned on my tv then watched inbox. it was playing a new video clip from yovie and nuno. the song titled bunga jiwaku. they shot the video clip in melbourne. in this video the band just standing in front of the federation square. and i was like, oh my god i've been there. so the building has modern design. that was the coolest building i had ever seen. and the great thing is my sister is moving to melb. oh my god sounds very very great. she used to live in canberra which is very bo-o-ring. and what i like about melbourne is it has cool gigs. when i was there, i found out that bloc party, rihanna and chris brown, kanye west are coming to melb. WHOOH. so i just kept staring at the poster because that was the only thing i could do. (sigh)
the federation square
feel free to watch the video clip on you tube. :)
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