one day i woke up earlier then i turned on my tv then watched inbox. it was playing a new video clip from yovie and nuno. the song titled bunga jiwaku. they shot the video clip in melbourne. in this video the band just standing in front of the federation square. and i was like, oh my god i've been there. so the building has modern design. that was the coolest building i had ever seen. and the great thing is my sister is moving to melb. oh my god sounds very very great. she used to live in canberra which is very bo-o-ring. and what i like about melbourne is it has cool gigs. when i was there, i found out that bloc party, rihanna and chris brown, kanye west are coming to melb. WHOOH. so i just kept staring at the poster because that was the only thing i could do. (sigh)

the federation square
feel free to watch the video clip on you tube. :)
chriss brown
kapan jang chris kesini?
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